Frequently Asked Questions

Why can't I find my vehicle?

If you get an error saying your vehicle could not be found, it's usually down to one of the following reasons:

  • The vehicle registration was entered incorrectly
  • One of the characters was entered incorrectly, for example, the letter O in the place of the number 0.
  • The vehicle has only just been registered.
  • There has been a recent plate change.

Why is the vehicle make and model listed incorrectly?

If you enter a registration plate and the wrong make and model are returned, it's likely to be because of one of the following reasons:

  • The wrong registration was entered.
  • The vehicle has recently had a plate change and the old details are still being returned.

You shouldn't continue if you are seeing incorrect details, as you could potentially be buying a report for the wrong vehicle.

How long does it take to access my report?

You'll get access to your report immediately after payment. We'll also send a PDF report to the email address used on the checkout page.

In some rare cases, we may need to manually send over your report.

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Still Having Problems?

If your question isn't answered above, you can send us a message for further assistance.